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Rice Flower



- asteraceae

- ozothamnus diosmifolius
Variety name 

- Nophar

- White 
Common name 

- Rice Flower

- Eastern Australia


NOPHAR is an upright perennial shrub reaching 1-1.5 M height.

Leaves are small and green.

NOPHAR has small flowers that cluster together into a terminal flowering head

(Inflorescence, corymbs). The flower head size ranges between 50-80 mm.

Flowers color - white.


NOPHAR flowers year round. NOPHAR grows in most soils but prefers acid and well drained soils with the optimum PH being 5.5-6.5. NOPHAR grows in optimum temperature of 10-30 degrees centigrade, but can tolerate lower temperatures.


They cannot tolerate heavy frost. Very high or low temperatures will stop or damage the flowering process. Root system is relatively shallow. The plants may need support in windy areas.


Vase life is very good - 10 days and more.
NOPHAR can be easily dried and will keep its shape and color.


Harvest and Marketing
First harvest will be 6 months after planting, 30-50 branches per plant the first year.
Full harvest from second season on – 50-80 branches per plant, depending on growing conditions.
The plants can be harvested for 3 years, if grown correctly. For protection and improved flower quality, it's recommended to grow under a 20-30% net.


For more specific information and updates, please do not hesitate to contact us.

© 2015 by Nir Nursery.

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